The Do's & Don'ts of Introducing Cats
and what is that beautiful people it is your cat daddy Jackson galaxy here and this month we're gonna be talking about [Music] so today we're gonna talk about cat to cat introductions cats are as we all know intensely territorial beings and so many times I would hear it's cool man just put them in a room together they'll work it out they will not work it out they'll work out who will wind up losing an eyeball who will wind up losing a claw and the other ones eyeball but they're not gonna work out how to be friends the first thing that we want to do in introducing cat to cat is prep the biggest thing is no free feeding they get fed X number of times a day in this way you can get these guys on a shared ritualistic way of being that they wouldn't be ordinarily step two would be base camp the idea here is a place for your new cat to go that is their space in their space alone becoming home is a lot about scent there's objects that I call scent soakers you know like this little fuzzy beast right here the same thing with blankets the same thing with litter boxes all that stuff goes into their base camp I don't want these two cats having any eye contact any contact contact no nothing could be less than a week could be more than a week site swapping where the new cat gets to explore the world while your cat gets to go in base camp scent with cats is communication they get to know who the other cat is by their scent comfort them but always keep a little bit of challenge in your mind they will let you know when they're ready to start moving out of Basecamp and if they let you know that within three hours start the site swapping if it takes a few days for them to acclimate do that so the next thing we're gonna talk about the other side of the door feeding ritual in fact it's so important I talked about it in another video I'll put the link right around here somewhere and you can go to that video to get a deeper dive next step visual access the best way to introduce cats - cats once you get that visual access thing going is a screen door but there's other ways of doing it there's baby gates there are pet gates you're gonna go back you're gonna do the same damn thing with the feeding I love using blankets and slowly raise the curtain as time goes on just as you gradually did this now you're gonna gradually do that while you do this now we are ready for the final step in your cat's introductions I call it eat play love you're gonna lead one of the cats into the room with a toy or the promise of treats whatever turns that cat on the most the worst thing that you can do is give them nothing to do because then that other cat is something to do that stare down what are you stare down turns into a throw down bye-bye it's over if eat play love only lasts five minutes the first time fine but you got to end it on a high note and this very book has a massive section on what we're talking about pretty much everything I know is in this one book you would think it'd be a little fatter since it's everything I know pick it up now link below until the next time I see you and you see me light I'm not back at your back I'm just misunderstood meow